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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2020 13:40:59 GMT
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kyle slumps lazily atop of one of his manectric. on his hand was a pamphlet for the resort, wherein he reads every facility in it as his pokemon brings him to their destination.

a bark sounds, telling kyle that they already reached the end of the path.

he lifts his head up from the piece of writing at his pokemon's call. the tower before him astonishes him when he finally reached its base, appearing more impressive up close than what it looked like from afar. a question lingers in his head, however. how much budget does the league really have for their gyms?

stepping out of his manectric's back, he nears the entrance of the gym. "hello, hello?" he greets with uncertainty.

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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2020 22:55:29 GMT
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Alec sat in his throne, snoring loudly. He had a busy schedule now that he owned the resort as well as being a Gym Leader now. Some drool was coming out of his mouth as he snored. His Pichu, Kaminari was sleeping on his lap as well, it's ears twitching from Alec's obnoxious snoring.

One might of thought he was a Snorlax without how loud his snores were. A few seconds later, the Gym Doors opened, the sunlight quickly coming inside. The bright light from the sun, woke up Alec in surprise and he said, "Wh-What!?! I'm awake!" Alec said, getting up from his chair, forgetting that Pichu was in his lap. The poor little electric mouse tumbled to the floor, now awake as well.

The young trainer then realized who had walked inside the Gym who had woken the young Gym Leader. "Well, Well! Long time no see Kyle! How ya been!? Are you here for my Gym Badge?" Alec asked with his signature goofy grin.


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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2020 18:17:58 GMT
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he sees a familiar face and mirrors the grin from the gym leader. the sentiment is the same. a familiar face is always welcome since it limits the awkwardness for the battle.

"didn't realize you're this big." he releases a chuckle before peering over the interior of the tower. "i would've been kissing ass before if i knew you were this big, resort and all."

he motions his manectric to come with him, the same one that had met alec before, and wraps his arms around her neck, effectively dragging her closer to them. kyle starts to read the pamphlet about the resort while in this position.

"but yeah, i'm here for your badge... where's the nearest place to eat from here though?"

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POSTED ON Feb 23, 2020 23:08:58 GMT
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Alec chuckled nervously and spoke. "Yeeeaaah ... About that. I didn't pay for the Resort. Im actually not at all rich. The League funded the construction of the Gym as well as the Resort. I did pay for my new house though! That's ... All I could pay for." Alec admitted to Kyle.

The young Gym Leader kept wondering why everyone who came to challenge his Gym thought he was some hotshot rich kid, when in all honesty, he was in massive debt due to the construction of the area. Then there was bills for the Hotel, Mortgages for the Gym and land, and then Repairs to training facilities outdoors as well as his Gym building. Yeah ... He wasn't 'living the dream' as one would think.

"There's the Dining Hall in the hotel, but .... If you like eating fancy rich people food and also like dining with rich people, then by all means go ahead." "Oh! Also, this place isn't really for just rich people, but I have been getting a lot of tourists who are rich and stuff. The league chose the cuisine. Not me," Alec said, making a deadpan face. He had to keep appearances though now that he was a Gym Leader.

"Oh! And also! You could have told me you was one of the Elite Four ya know! Yeah, I read the news!" Alec said, making a puffy pouty angry face. However, that immediately changed. "At any rate, are you here for a regular challenge, or did you wanna go for one of my special challenges!?" Alec asked with his signature goofy grin.

-Lemme know if that E4 tidbit needs edited pls! I just figured Alec reading the news would be IC related but if that's not the case, I'll yeet that out! ^^-

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POSTED ON Feb 25, 2020 6:28:26 GMT
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"i don't think my palate's that sophisticated to try that fancy stuff ." he folds his arms as he considers his options. "i guess there's always a first time."

the disclaimer comes. every piece falls into place. the choice of making something big instead of something simple, like the previous petalburg gym, was a poor financial decision. he cannot fault him though since even kyle probably wasn't aware of accounting and financing at his age.

kyle keeps quiet of it and decides to simply forego that part of the conversation.

"a house at your age is still impressive though!" kyle remembers freeloading on blackthorn at age eighteen and just staying at an apartment sold to him for a discount.

the awkward smile turns to a genuine one when he gets recognized, face flushed as he shyly scratches the back of his head. "well, it'd be kinda arrogant to flaunt that title, yeah?" kyle recovers from bashfulness when prompted with a question that directly relates to the reason why he's here.

"special challenge please."

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POSTED ON Feb 25, 2020 21:29:49 GMT
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Alec had smirked at Kyle, itching to battle him again. Especially more than ever, knowing now that he's one of the most strongest Trainers in the Hoenn Region. "Ever since learned who you were, I've been wanting to know. Who is stronger - You, or Mateo?" the young Gym Leader had said questioningly as he walked past Kyle with a sense of eagerness. "Follow me to the training field outside. We'll have our battle there," Was all Alec had said, having a serious tone in his voice, yet it was also filled with a small sense of eagerness.

Once they had reached the training grounds, Alec had looked up towards the tower, and shouted, "Veda! Rex! Inferno! We have an old friend here who want to challenge us! Why don't come down and say hello!" Alec finished with a grin, his voice loud enough for his three Pokémon that he was calling to come down from the top of the tower. They were out of sight at first, however within seconds of calling to them, a Dragonite, Salamence, and Charizard took to the skies from the Gym building's rooftop, flying down to them.

"Okay! You're gonna be up against these three in a Singles battle! Since this is a Special Challenge, you may switch out your Pokémon. Or if ya want, we can have a Triples Battle! That's up to you, of course." Alec with an intense smirk on his face.  

-After your next post, we will go ahead and actually start uwu also made edits o.o good thing I went and checked the challenges! Sorry about that! <3 -

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POSTED ON Feb 29, 2020 18:56:31 GMT
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the question lingers in his head as kyle follows alec. their record was iffy at best, but he tries to muse upon it out loud with arms crossed.

"i did win a badge and a couple of battles from him..." as much as he wants to indulge himself, his own opinion differs from what he wants to believe in. "he still manages to make battles look even despite using only a single type though." he scratches his head as he comes to a conclusion. "yeah, it's him, i think."

they reach their destination. kyle is met with a charizard and salamence he met before. the dragonite takes a while for him to recognize as the dratini from before. he claps his hands once before pointing at them with a smile and a surprised expression.

the choice between two modes is given to him. the decision is quick to come from kyle.

"let's do triples! i got something good for you."

he releases his pokemon and reveals two other manectric.

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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2020 9:48:00 GMT
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Alec looked on as Kyle had brought two other Pokemon. Alec grinned as he stood there, seeing the three Manetric. "Well, this will be interesting," Alec said, a breeze blowing by, his hair moving with the wind as he held his smirk. His three Pokemon waved their tails side to side, eager to fight alongside each other.

Inferno, Veda, and Rex were together from the beginning alongside Iris and Shade when he started his journey, and now they've all grown really strong. Hopefully his three strongest Pokemon would be worthy of challenging a member of the Elite Four. "Time to show you what a true Dragon Tamer can really do!" Alec said with sense of determination in his voice.

"If ya don't mind, we're gonna start things off!" Alec said with a smirk. "Veda, ExtremeSpeed! Alec commanded his Dragonite to give the first assault. Within a blink of an eye, she vanished only to reappear right in front of the Manetric that was on the Left, swiping it towards Rex and Inferno. "Now, both of you attack the other two with Flamethrower together!" Alec said, commanding his Salamence and Charizard simultaneously, shooting a stream of flames at the other two Manetric.

Their stream of flames had combined upon intersecting together, making the flames for stronger and fierce. However, surprisingly enough, they were controlled to the point they wouldn't spread. the flames had grew the attention of guests staying at the resort who were outside. they all began to watch the battle from a safe distance; both excitement and awe showing on different faces.

Alec may have been a bit concerned about Kyle's Pokemon being all electric while all of his could fly, but he held his grin though, showing Kyle that he was ready to battle along with his Pokemon. The young Gym Leader was hoping that Kyle wouldn't disappoint. He's always wanted to challenge a member of the Elite Four - Not just Mateo himself. Now, that's exactly what he was doing, and one could tell that he psyched.

-tl;dr: Dragonite attacks Tana with ExtremeSpeed!

Rex and Inferno attack Innes and Cormag with Flamethrower!-

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POSTED ON Mar 3, 2020 17:42:21 GMT
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the moves give kyle a quick countermeasure for them. the set up doesn't change and the situation just makes it more convenient for the game plan.

"rain dance. charge. ice fang."

no names need to be associated with the moves. he trusts his pokemon to know which one is theirs, especially since there is no overlap with moves they know.

a howl sounds from cormag and clouds form overhead. rain starts to fall just as the flames from the attack hit. the conditions weaken the burns both manectric receive, although innes retains his form better with the defenses charging up gives him.

tana takes the brunt of the attack well, static starting to visibly cackle on her fur, especially with the rain teasing it. it flies straight to the other two dragons. given two targets, the manectric finds the salamence as its recipient of the ice fang.

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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2020 23:25:03 GMT
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Alec should have known better than to casually use a Physical Attack starting off with the battle, especially since Manetric can use the electricity from their fur to paralyze a Pokemon that touches them. On top of that, One of the other Manetric had began to commence with Rain Dance, which had made it start to rain. 

As for the third Manetric, it was a head on assault towards Rex with an Ice Fang. "Rex, Protect now!" Alec said, not wasting any time. Rex let out a roar, and with it a barrier had formed which had stopped the Manetric from being able to land it's attack. "Now! Inferno, counter with Dragon Breath!" Alec had commanded, letting out a purplish stream towards the Manetric that had tried to attack Rex.

"Veda! Ice Beam on the Manetric that used Rain Dance!" Alec had said. Veda struggled from her paralysis, however she was able to still able to build up the moisture needed, and had fired a light bluish beam towards the Manetric she was ordered to attack. She may have been paralyzed, but since using Ice Beam didn't require to move as much, Alec knew she'd have a better chance at using that than her other moves.

-tl;dr: Dragonite is Paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Rex uses Protect! Rex Protected itself from Ice Fang!

Inferno Attacks Tana with Drgaon Breath!

Rain continues to Fall! Fire type moves are weakened!

Veda attacks Cormag with Ice Beam!-

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POSTED ON Mar 5, 2020 15:43:03 GMT
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his pokemon kept racking up damage bit by bit. despite of it, kyle still likes where the battle is going.

despite the rain and his clothes getting drenched, kyle remained standing upright, barking orders at his soldiers.

"tana, stay airborne. magnet rise. cormag, keep moving. electric terrain. innes, thunder. salamence."

the first manectric generates electricity on her feet, sparks flying out of them as she finds stability midair. the maneuver buys enough time for the charizard to land a direct hit, throwing the manectric a few distances away yet again.

the second manectric barks after hearing the command and moves the moment it can. distance plays to his advantage as he manages to only get slighted by the attack. its hind legs get struck as it attempted to get away, freezing it for a moment until electric terrain fills the ground with sparks, thawing chunks of ice that clung on his legs. it attempts to run in circles beneath the flying dragons, each step effectively increasing the influence of its terrain.

the third manectric triggers the dark clouds with a thin bolt of electricity, summoning forth a a huge bolt of lightning from the sky. charge and electric terrain makes the attack as ferocious as it can get. being airborne by the rain clouds and having just used protect makes it an easier target out of the three.

  • tana uses magnet rise. gets hit by dragon breath and is thrown away while still in the air.
  • cormag gets hit by ice beam and freezes his back legs. thaws it out with electric terrain
  • cormag runs around the field, spreading electric terrain.
  • tana uses thunder at salamence with charge and electric terrain

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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2020 3:55:24 GMT
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The rain had continued to fall as Kyle's and Alec's Pokemon proceeded with their battle. Honestly, Alec did not mind the rain in the slightest. Now, if it were snowing ... that would be different. He wasn't fond of extremely cold weather. 

The young Gym Leader was glad that Inferno's attack had hit, however the Manetric was still up in the air due to it's Magnet Rise. Alec didn't like that, because that could potentially spell trouble for him later on in the battle, especially since not only it was an Electric Type, but with it now raining, that would help it's Electric-based attacks and being up in the air meant that attacking from a long range would be less likely to hit it. 

Even though Alec did not like the thought of leaving it, he figured that he would focus on Cormag and Innes for now since they were on the ground. It was then that Salamence was struck by Tana's Thunder, which seemed be powered up by the Electric Terrain as well as the Rainfall. Rex however, still was not down for the count just yet. "Veda, can you move it all?" Alec had asked. Veda grunted, saying basically a no, not liking the static sensation she felt throughout her body. "In that case, attack the Manetric up in the air with Ice Beam! Inferno! Rex! Attack Cormag! Zen Headbutt and Dragon Breath!" Alec had order his Pokemon.

Veda had managed to fire another beam of ice towards the Manetric that was levitating in the air, while Inferno and Salamence had begun to charge after the Manetric that was spreading the Electric Terrain. Inferno had fired off another purplish stream from it's mouth at the Manetric, trying to throw it off guard for Salamence to swoop in with it's purplish aura surrounding it's body as it charged. Alec figured that at least one of their attacks would be able to possibly strike it, if not both of their attacks.

-tl;dr: Dragonite is Paralyzed!

Tana hits Salamence with Thunder!
Does slightly more damage with Rainfall/Electric Terrain!

Dragonite attacks Tana with Ice Beam!

Inferno attacks Cormag with Dragon Breath!

Salamence attacks Cormag with Zen Headbutt!


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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2020 15:06:15 GMT
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alec's commands get staggered as he asks for his pokemon's well-being. it buys kyle enough time to take another breath and give out a command as soon his finishes.

"tana, run interference. quick attack. charizard. cormag, innes, together. discharge. hidden power."

the salamence isolates itself from the other pokemon in the sky, leaving tana alone with them. between the dragonite and the charizard, kyle finds the fire-type more of a threat even under the rain.

tana darts towards the charizard, the ice beam narrowly missing the end of the manectric's sudden burst of speed. it charges towards the charizard, trying to throw its attack off of its course with their collision.

cormag's pacing ends beside innes, wherein a blinding spark courses through the immediate vicinity surrounding the manectric. electric terrain helps with powering up the sea of electricity that drowns the lower half of the battle.

lightning rod powers up the other manectric's move from the earlier discharge. the brightness hides the own light coming from the energy expelled by innes. a shock wave comes in a sudden and intercepts the salamence as it dives down, its ice-typing proving effective against it.

regardless of how the salamence takes it, it throws its target away from the impact. the electric-type's body lands with a thud a few feet away. the manectric staggers back to its feet as soon as it can.

  • tana dodges ice beam with quick attack.
  • quick attack aims at the charizard, trying to throw its attack away from its target
  • electric terrain powers cormag's discharge
  • cormag uses discharge to hit innes and salamence
  • lightning rod activates and boosts innes' attacks
  • innes uses hidden power (ice) at salamence when he closes in
  • cormag gets hit by zen headbutt

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POSTED ON Mar 13, 2020 5:08:20 GMT
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Alec had not realized how bad of a situation he was in until it was too late. He stood their shocked at how quickly Kyle's Pokemon was able to turn things around. Then again, Alec was up against one of the Elite Four, and they were no joke when it comes to Pokemon Battles. He thought though for sure he had him right where he wanted him, but in reality, it was the other way around, which the young Gym Leader had begun to realize.

Alec gritted his teeth as his self doubt had began to cripple his confidence. The feeling of not being good enough was overwhelming to the kid. It was the same feeling when he had heard the news about Slateport all over again. Alec clenched his fists; continuing to grit his teeth. He wasn't mad at Kyle though. In fact, his feelings had nothing to do with Kyle. He just couldn't help but feel angry at himself for being so weak.

The powered up Discharge had collided with Rex, which let out a roar from the severe pain. Meanwhile, Veda had stood there, still unable to move. Inferno had gotten back up from Tana's attack, having missed his mark. a few moments later, Rex had fallen to the ground, unable to get back up. Rex was done battling. Alec had silently, took a poke ball from his belt, returning Rex into it. Without saying a word like he usually would, he put the poke ball back on his belt with Rex now resting inside of it.

"Inferno! Blast Burn on Cormag!" Alec had shouted impulsively, forgetting that the rain would weaken it's Fire attacks. Although, Blast Burn was one of strongest Fire Type moves known. Alec's Charizard roared as it slammed it's fist on the ground, a blaze of fire gushing out from it, aiming straight for Cormag. The Fire would create a large cloud of smoke which was clearing up fast from the rainfall, also putting out flames that were now licking the ground.

"Veda, I know your paralyzed, but I need your speed! Can you tough through it?" Alec asked her. The Dragonite eyed Alec's knowing how his trainer was feeling. She let out huff as well as a small nod, saying that she would try her best to move. She gritted her teeth, not liking the sensation that had coursed through her body, however she forced herself to at least use her wings to levitate slightly above the ground. "Attack Innes with Dragon Tail!" Alec had shouted, needing this to work.

Veda had charged at Innes, her speed obviously not to it's fullest, however she continued to force herself to move, attempting to swing her stubby yet powerful tail towards the Manetric, hoping that it'd make contact. "The odds are against me ... but ... I can't be weak! We have to keep going! Alec thought to himself. However, it was clear that his technique had been threaded together by desperation. Whether that was enough though, was still to be undecided as of yet.

-tl;dr: Charizard is knocked away by Tana's quick attack!

Dragonite's Ice Beam misses!
Dragonite is still paralyzed!

Salamence has fainted!
Two PKMN to go!

Charizard attacks Cormag With Blast Burn!
Is weakened by Rainfall!

Tana attempts to move and strike Innes with Dragon Tail!

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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2020 3:24:57 GMT
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the transition towards defense doesn't come quite as clean as he wanted it to be. cormag getting separated from innes becomes an opening for alec to work with, to which he executes properly.

no order comes for the weakened manectric. kyle has taken out a pokeball as he barks orders, recalling the manectric before the attack hits and inevitably knocks it out. a surprised yelp comes from the electric-type before its form gets sucked into the capsule and the spot where it stood gets obliterated with flames despite the rain.

"tana, defend. iron tail. innes. thunder. charizard."

the option to gamble on a chance to keep his manectric in the game was there if he forces it, but kyle opts for the offensive momentum before it escapes him. besides, it already did its job of setting up for the main carry.

tana's tail glows white as it hardens like steel, clashing with the dragonite's tail and intercepting the attack. the impact causes a shock wave, but the manectric remains stalwart in its defensive position.

innes takes the opportunity to fire off another thunder, drawing power from the electric terrain and accuracy from the rain and aiming to make the best use of them. dark clouds above them crackle once more before a huge bolt of lightning strikes at the charizard.

  • kyle recalls cormag
  • tana intercepts dragon tail with iron tail
  • innes uses thunder on charizard

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